Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sorry about my absecense lately. I've had a very exciting last couple of days. Big changes in my professional and personal life.
First of all, my mom just announced her engagment to the family on friday night. So I've been ga-ga over wedding magazines with her ever since. Also, I am getting a short story published in The New Yorker. Still hashing out the details on that.
But let's get back into the swing of things, shall we?
mangoweb is our featured Polyvorian today. Not only is she my favorite polyvorian, but she puts together some incredible sets. Her mixture of vintage and avant garde is timeless and fashion foward. There is always a touch of humor to her sets and titles that brings a smile to my face on a daily basis (yes, I am on polyvore everyday. I'm obsessed.). Here are some of my favorite sets of hers.

Welcome to hell. by mangoweb

strange how hard it rains now by mangoweb

No wonder we're so f*cked up. by mangoweb

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